Friday 26 February 2010


To edit, we used a software called Final Cut Pro. At first when using this software, I found it very new and different. However it was an apple computer so I was used to the computer itself as I have one of those at home. It was different in the sense that we had two computer screens for one computer. It was also the first time on using Final Cut Pro but I had enjoyed learning something new. I found it quite hard to use when I tried to do things on my own. With Paula's help and guidance, I started getting used to it and became more aware of what to use.

We started off by putting the Star Wars trailer together and then editing it. I did this on my own as the other two were working together, and we could only work in pairs. I was quite clueless about what to do at first but just tried a few things and asked Paula for help when needed. After this, I found it easier to deal with. Overall, I think my group and I had used this really well after we got the jist of how to use it and it resulted in good editing.

When we were editing, we had to put the tape into a machine linked to the computer, in order for us to watch it and edit it. This was also something new I had learnt how to do.

We learnt how to render our work each time we added something new to it in order for it not to take too long in rendering it all at the end. If it wasn't rendered, a sign would come up on the screen showing 'Unrendered'.

We also used effects between the scenes such as 'Luminance Map' and 'Cross fade' not to make the scenes look disorganised or cut. We also made several scenes black and white to make it look more cold and left the Dark Room scenes as normal.

We added music in this to add an effect of non-diagetic sounds and make it seem more interesting. After we had done this, we had all realised that music was very important source to add into it and we were glad we did. We added the song 'G4L' from 'Rihanna' as it was talking about revenge and we felt that it had fit perfectly with the sequence. We had also added heartbeats which made it very intense.

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